New Charity Shop

Piles of paperback books face-up, on their side and leaning towards the camera.

We sadly had to close the S.A.R.A. charity shop, however, the new charity shop is now at the farm in the Arundel Centre raising much needed funds for the animals.

We are always in need of dog, cat and rabbit food, bedding, towels and toys. And our charity shop volunteers are always happy to receive goods to sell and raise necessary funds for our animals 😀

Our Charity shop is manned by volunteers and is open 10am -3pm Saturday and Sunday. It is located in The Arundel Centre at Foxrush Farm. Parking is available right outside the shop and it is accessible for all; shop donations can also be dropped off there.

Our shop sells a mixture of donated household goods, books, toys, clothes, pet items and more!

All money raised goes straight to helping the animals here at S.A.R.A.

Lady searching through a rack of dresses
Blue and white dog bowl on herringbone wooden floor with two white paws in front.
Abigail Armstrong